Sunday, June 17, 2007

EZ-Go, Hard to Return.

We had a great time visiting my parents in Kentucky. We arrived early and noticed a golf cart on the carport. I thought, why is my aunt and uncles golf cart parked there? I think noticed another golf cart in the yard and then surmised. Mom and Dad has purchased a golf cart. I then found out that they purchased it that day. I think they will have a lot of fun with it driving all over the property and possible taking it camping. I know Needles and I both enjoyed a few laps around on the Safari Trail. The Safari Trail is a path that goes around the back portion of their property that has been decorated with different animals and signs. We drive around pointing out the various animals cute and scary that are along the trail. The animal range from snakes and alligators to turkeys and cows and a lot of animals in between. Friday night we stayed out on the patio until 11pm and enjoyed the conversation. Saturday we ventured to Mam maw's for pizza and Death by chocolate ice cream cones. Today we had spaghetti and garlic bread with lemon cake for dessert. It quickly became time to go and we really wished we had another day or two to stay but work and hungry pets were calling for us to return. We arrived home at 4:48pm after the 2 hour 40 minute trip. I was glad to be home but sad the weekend is almost over. I am getting laundry caught up and preparing myself for work tomorrow. Hope everyone had a good weekend.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

First I've heard about the Safari Train. Lions, tigers and bears, oh, my! Glad you had a nice time with the folks.

Rudy said...

Glad you made it back safe. Sounds like you had a good time.