Saturday, July 14, 2007

Do Nuthin Weekend.

This weekend although being highly anticipated is a do nuthin weekend. The only two things I have accomplished so far this weekend is mow the lawn and assemble Needle's equipment she ordered but I will let her blog about it. I woke up at 8 am this morning and sat in the living room surfin the interwebs until Needles stirred at 10. A quick B'fast of cereal followed by some more high energy television watching. At 2pm we had lunch, went for a visit to Rudy, Brando and the funky bunch and Needles and I just finished off a lovely supper prepared by Needles. Man what an exciting life I lead. I can't wait til tomorrow.


FarmWife said...

That's my kind of life, man! I need a do nuthin' weekend...heck, I need a do nuthin' week.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Mmmmm, do nuthin' weekends are sometimes just what the doctor ordered. Here's hoping we get one of those soon.