Friday, May 15, 2009

On our way home.

Ford's TheaterPeterson's Home ( House where Lincoln died)
The Theater Box
The room where Lincoln died.
The room where we are now.
We are well on our way home. We started off the day with breakfast at the Inn. Twice baked potatoes with scrambled egg and toppings of green onion, tomatoes and beacon bits, fresh fruit and blue berry lemon scones. After that we devised a game plan for our last day in DC. We got on the metro down town only to find out that half way there it was going to stop short of our destination. We hopped off the bus and hoofed the remaining several blocks to Ford's Theater. We got there a little after 10am and thought we would have to wait for the next tour but we lucked out and was one of the last ones to get tickets. We walked in and entered the theater setting in the balcony. Directly to our right was the presidents box marked with a picture of President Washington to designate its intention. The tour told in great detail how Mr. Booth planned and undertook his criminal actions and why. After the tour we did a little souvenir shopping while waiting for the school kids at the Peterson's home to clear out. The Peterson's house was a small home and after entering the home it took only a dozen steps or so to find us in the room where our 16th president died. All items in the room are original except ironically the bed that Lincoln died in. Apparently it is on loan to a museum in Chicago, IL. After we finished our short walk through we made our way to the Metro stop and was on our way back to the car. We headed out of town heading North and following the GPS directions. The route took us into Maryland for a short time and then down through West Virginia. As the sun started to fade and we were all road weary we pulled into the Hampton Inn at Ashland, KY. We just have a few short hours until we will be home and I think we will all be happy to get there. We had a great vacation and have seen a lot but we are ready to be home.

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