Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer Cleaning.

The last few days Needles and I have been going through a lot of our junk and decided to donate it to the hospitals rummage sale they are going to be having. You know what they say one mans junk is another mans junk to pack home a stick in a closet. The money made from the rummage sale will go to Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Our hospital is registered for the walk and we are raising money for the event. My boss has asked me to design the T-shirt for the walk so last week we brain stormed for a bit and came up with what we thought was a neat design. Since we have one of few Mobile Digital Mammography trucks in the Nation we thought this design was fitting. Have a look.During the clean up we were going through the pantry. In the past Needles Mom L liked to get us Easter baskets every year for Easter. This started a Easter basket collection that seemed to hang out in there. While clearing out the clutter we managed to set one of the baskets on the freezer top until I could take it to the hospital to donate the next morning. Well apparently that purple plastic Easter grass was just too much of a temptation on our simple minded Copper. When I came home from work Wednesday I noticed cat puke on the couch cover. Also amongst the food was purple plastic Easter grass. I bet that was tasty. Unfortunately Copper suffered the repercussions of his actions the next day too. Lets just say that he put the purple plastic Easter grass behind him... Anyway he is doing fine now and the incident hasn't effected his appetite one bit.

In other news Needles in a bid for her own safety has purchased a automatic cat feeder. Three times a day the feeder dispenses food on a programmed schedule. They get 1/4th cup at 6am, 1/2 cup at 2pm and 1/4th at 10pm. So far they seem to do well with the feeding. It is funny to watch them when the feeder goes off. You can hear when the food slides into the bowl so when it dispenses the cats run into the back room like a all day looser hitting the jackpot at a slot machine in Vegas.

Yesterday I did apple smoked pork chops with a Jamaican rub. They turned out OK but I think Needles and I are still looking for the perfect combination of rub seasonings.

Today we are going down to Needles Mom L house and since it is getting close to that time of year I am taking the stealth trail cam down to put out in the woods, so hopefully there will be some pictures of critters on my Hunting Blog in a couple of weeks. Either click the link or click the picture of the cabin in the gutter to the right. Have great day.

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