Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's almost over.

Vacation is coming to an end with today being our last full day before heading back early in the morning. I guess I should catch up from where I left off. Last Wed. was a stay at the cabin and do nothing kinda day. We literally stayed at the cabin and relaxed and napped and soaked in the hot tub. Thursday morning we got up early to spend the day in Asheville. We stopped in at a book store awaiting for some of the shops to open and then made it to Earth Guild where we found out that Bill Clinton was going to be in town speaking just a few blocks from where we were standing. We had about an hour to waste so we went to Mayfels to eat and then on to where Mr. Clinton was to speak. We got right in and got a ticket to the limited area just behind the press. We got up very close, I would guess about 60 to 70 yards from the podium and waited, and waited, and waited. Finally about an hour and a half late Bill showed up. Of course of all the days to leave my 300mm zoom lens at home. I had my 55mm lens and it just had to do. I got some pics and I am glad I got to see and hear him speak. He is the first president I ever got to see live. After we listened to his speech we made our way to the craft show at the Civic Center. There was a lot of very neat had made expensive things. Anywhere from pottery to blown glass, wood work, paintings and materials arts. After wandering through we were feeling tired and ready to grab something to eat and make our way back to the cabin. After Ragged talked with her family it was decided we would split up and they would go to see her family and Needles and I went back to the cabin. After a nice soak in the hot tub we were all relaxed and ready for the next day. Before long Cynical and Ragged was dropped off and we all sat and discussed the days events. It was fairly late before we retired for bed. The next day we got up earlier than I would have liked. The ladies had plans to go to SAFF. A fiber festival that is held yearly here. We drove down and dropped them off and made our way back to the cabin. We had plans to pick them up around 6pm so a little after 5pm we left to be on our way. We got caught up in a little traffic on our way so the usually 40 minute trip took a little longer. We picked up the weary gals and their fibery purchases. We then made our way to Chili's for supper and then on to Target to pick up a few odds and ends. We made it back to the cabin well after dark and settled in to relax. Today we are still deciding on what to do our last day. Do we get out and about or stay and relax. I guess only time will tell.

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