Sunday, January 30, 2011


Our do nothing weekend ended up being a doing something weekend. I got a phone call Saturday from my Brother wanting to take us to lunch in celebration of our 14th anniversary. We went to the Trace Inn and had a good time watching the hundred of geese flying in and out of the lake. A large portion of the lake is frozen so they seem to congregate around the Trace Inn area. We got to catch up with Rudy and the Gang and before long we found ourselves back at home and doing some of the chores that we needed to get done. Needles made a meatloaf. It's was her first and it was magnificent. Today we went down to Needles's Mom's L's house. She made one of my favorite meals of the many she makes. She made sweet and sour meatballs. Yum! It's been a good weekend. Now I am doing laundry in preparation of the impending work week. We are also supposed to get some bad weather tomorrow night. Icy rain with snow chaser. I wonder what we will end up with. I guess we will know around this time tomorrow. Have a good week.

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