Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Winter go away!

Tomorrow we are supposed to get another winter storm that rolls though the area. We just got through high wind last night, gusts reaching in the 50mph range. Now we are going to have wintery mix tomorrow evening turning into snow and sleet. They are talking like we could get several inches out of it........GGGRRRREEEAAAATTTTT!!!!! I am sick of the cold and even though we haven't had a lot of snow this year I am tired of it too. Cynical if you are desperate for snow then come on up. Needles co worker works for the road commissioner in Indiana. They are preparing for 1"inch of ice with up to 10" of snow on top. CRAP!!! I will keep you posted as to how much we do end up getting.

1 comment:

K_Dense73 said...

Rock 'n roll!