Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Breathing Again.

Yesterday we got some news about a family member that we were all holding our breath for. Although it is news you don't ever want to hear, it wasn't as bad as I had been making it out to be in my head. I am a person who likes to research everything about a situation that is foreign to me. Especially when it involves a family member. When we got the initial news which included the word cancer my mind turned into sponge mode. I tried to absorb as much knowledge about it as possible. I think I hurt myself because I have had a headache just about every night since. Of course all the information came in a trickle at a time which isn't unusual with this situation, but my mind was set for sponge and couldn't get info quick enough. We now have as much knowledge about the situation as possible and although cancer isn't good news, it could have been a lot worse. We know the path that must be traveled and are anxious to get going down the road to recovery and cure. I read Rudy's blog and totally understand what he is saying about stress. Although I work in the medical field and sometimes high stress situations, when it comes to your own family all that training and stuff runs right out of your ear, down your shirt and ends up as a tiny greasy spot on the floor. Then you step in said greasy spot, slip and fall right on your rear end. We are able to breathe again.....but not too deeply yet.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Just keep in mind that you guys are not alone on that path.

Rudy said...

Thanks everyone for the well wishes and the blog therapy helps. I believe that it is only through family and true friends that we are able to cope with this situation and not totally go off the deep end. Thanks again.