Friday, November 28, 2008

Were havin it!

I have mulled around an idea for a couple of years now and this year I finally broke down and ordered it. Most holidays with Needles family consist of turkey or ham which is very good and I usually eat myself sick. This year for Xmas I thought I would change things up a bit. I heard about one of "these" a few years back and wondered how one would taste. We even saw a show talking about them and Mike Row did and Dirty Jobs that showed how they are done. Of course by now you know exactly what I am talking about. I am talking about a Turducken. For those of you who are saying WTF right about now it is a boneless chicken stuffed inside a boneless duck stuffed inside a boneless turkey. You can order several varieties of turducken but we decided to get the one stuffed with pork. So in actuality it is a boneless pig stuffed inside a boneless chicken stuffed inside a boneless duck stuffed inside and boneless turkey. I have to say that this food item is a bit expensive but I always wanted to try one and the upcoming holiday provided just the occasion to do so. I ordered it from Cajun Grocer based in Lafayette, Louisiana so I would think they know how to do turducken. You would think that food would be the last thing to think or post about with just recovering from Thanksgiving but you would be wrong. So for Xmas I will be sleeping with visions of turduckens dancing in my head.


K_Dense73 said...

Is this even physically possible?

Terri said...


Rudy said...

You gotta watch out for those boneless pigs. They get everywhere. Like sand.