Monday, April 06, 2009

Weekend Reflection.

As you read in my previous post we went to Fine Dining Friday last Friday but what happened the rest of the weekend? Saturday, Needles and I slept in per her B'day request and then lounged around the house in our PJ's until Rudy, Brando and the Funky Bunch stopped by to invite us out to eat with them for. We scrambled to get dressed in clothes more suitable for public viewing and off to the Trace Inn we went. Needles had the Blackened Salmon and I had the Catfish. Thanks Rudy and Brando for treating us to a lovely B'day meal. It was very good. After dinner we were invited to visit at Rudy and Brando's and watched a movie. On tap was Changeling... It was a good movie but the subject matter was depressing and to think this actually happened to someone is horrible. Sunday morning we woke up around 7:30am and thought I would sleep a bit more. When I opened my eyes around 8:30am I thought it was 8:30pm. It was almost dark outside with the storms approaching. We headed South to Needles Mom's house for her B'day party with her family. Pork steak and Sauerkraut was on the menu and we had a nice visit with her family while the rain poured down outside and before long it was time to return home. Sunday afternoon was time to catch up on laundry in preparation for the return to the work week. I hope everyone had a nice weekend, even though the weather wasn't so nice.

1 comment:

Brando said...

We had a great visit! The food was good too.