5 bulls
6 hogs
1,423 chickens
19,826 eggs
20,000 potatos
4,376 loaves not slices of bread (not including hotdog and hamburger buns)
5,500 hotdogs
12,100 hamburgers
14,500 candybars
1,000 pounds of sugar
5,000 bananas
12,800 oranges
44,300 cans of soda
28,433 showers (700,000 gallons of water.)
156 toothbrushes
389 tubes of toothpaste
656 bar of soap
198 shampoo bottles
272 stcks of deoderant
1.2 million gallons of water for things other than showers
500,000 gallons of sewage
We will each generate 46 tons of trash.
Something to think about.
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