Thursday, August 14, 2008

Computer Ill

Yesterday I got home as usual and got on the interwebs. I set the computer aside and left it for awhile. When I came back to it, it was in screensaver mode. I moved the mouse to wake the sleeping puter and I got the blue screen of death folllowed by a quick shut down and reboot. When it rebooted it showed the windows XP screen for about 15 seconds and then shut down again. This is when I said "CRAP!" I knew it was serious. I rebooted in Safe Mode and it locked up and I had to do a hard shut down and reboot to find it wouldn't go into Safe Mode only to shut down and reboot again. I f8ed the reboot and tried every option and nothing worked. I was able to freeze the blue screen and list off the stop error and codes for Needles to look it up on the other computer. It seemed that I had a hardware issue. I did a hard drive scan in Bios for it to pass and no issues. I removed the RAM and reinstalled it and still nothing. I rebooted with the supplied boot CD and still nothing. I was starting to get worried. I remembered I had the old RAM in the drawer so I installed it and rebooted with the boot CD and I was able to make some progress. After getting into Safe Mode I was able to Scandisk SCNDSK and find an issue that wasn't found before. I ran recovery SCNDSK /R which took a little over an hours and then SCNDSK /P and everything seemed to come back. I lost a few things and the wireless assistant is down but for the most part I am back with half the RAM. It was touch and go for awhile but after 4 to 5 hours it seems to be OK. Cross your fingers. I am needing to back up all my pics.

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