Monday, August 18, 2008

Thanks Media For Lying.

It seems that the Georgia and Russian conflict has a bit more complex than the media has lead us to believe and decided to omit and sweep a few small details under the carpet. Lets just say they have put a Western spin on the story. Apparently South Ossetia in Georgia had some people loyal to Russia and Georgia sent the military to crack down on these separatists. "They were killing their own people, burning and looting homes, towns and anything else in their way." Russia moved in to stop this action and was accused of invading a sovern free country. It doesn't sound free to me. It would be like Texas killing off the Democrats to make sure the state stays red in the next election. Hmmm. Matter of fact I would put it past these jokers in the White House. Another thing that wouldn't surprise me is that Bush and his buddy's would find some way to make a buck on the whole ordeal. This to me sounds a bit like Darfur in South Africa but that's another "little incident" we haven't heard much about because it doesn't sell papers, magazines and premotional spots in the TV. Isn't it interesting how our information is filtered, blended and strained for our consumption. You would almost think this is a free country. Thank You Patriot Act, but I am afraid this has been going on since the Vietnam "conflict".


Ragged Around the Edges said...

I'm convinced it was timed to coincide while we were all distracted by the Olympics.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

PS: It amazes me that such things are glossed over, passed over and ignored. Seriously, genocide is taking place beneath our noses, and we're not catching on.

(Ragged steps off soap box.)

Rudy said...

Knockin off a few Democrates sounds like a good start. he he he gig gig prod poke punch come on and fight back. he he he