Monday, May 22, 2017

PRK Vision Progress Thru 4 Days Post Procedure..

I would have to say as far as pain wise the first 3 to 4 hours after the procedure was probably the worst, My eyes felt like they were throbbing with an accompanying headache, light sensitivity and blurry double vision. But later on that day I was able to go outside, with sunglasses, and do a little yard work without much discomfort. As far as vision wise the worse was yet to come. On Saturday May 20th, 2 days post surgery my vision was very blurry and the light sensitivity was turned all the way up to maximum. I kept my sunglasses on most of the day even inside. Watching T.V. in the blur felt like someone was shining a very warm flashlight in my eyes. The light seemed to dry my tears in seconds and my eyes reaction to the brightness was one of almost the feeling of crossing your eyes. It was like my eyes were in self preservation mode and would not allow me to look into the brightness of the T.V. or any semi bright light. My eyes felt gritty and my vision had diminished to just a few feet. I could see the ground at my feet and everything else was just blurry. Sounds like a perfect day to help pick up tree limbs at the cemetery right. It didn't take much of that for me to find out I wasn't much good help. As the day went on the light sensitivity got a little better but was still uncomfortable. I was still doing my drops routine and sleeping in my eyes shields. I was very surprised that the eye shields didn't effect my sleeping as I am a very light sleeper and even the littlest of things keep me awake.

Sunday 3 days post procedure, the light sensitivity and vision was much better. I would almost say the blurriness was almost gone but the double vision was so bad I couldn't be certain. When riding, not driving, in a car, a single center line was now two some 30 or so feet away only to merge together just in front of the car hood. Riding in the car was a little upsetting on the stomach.

Monday 4 days post procedure, The light sensitivity was gone and the double vision was a little better. Nothing like a road trip to a nice place to eat to lift your spirit. The car ride didn't seem to upset the stomach as bad which was a good thing since we were going out to eat. By the time we got home that evening I could tell my eyes felt a little achy. I am guessing because the constant eye shifts while tracking the scenery as you ride down the road.

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