Today Needles and I made the trip to a not so local town to pick up some beef. After listening to what kind of deal we could get we decided on a side of Angus beef. We got several bags of beef and a few bags of pork, chicken and other frozen veggies. I think we got about 120 pounds of beef and 50 pounds of other goodies in all. We went with the premium package which comes with sirloin, New York strip and pork steaks, pork chops, pork ribs, beef ribs, several roasts, ham, whole fryer chickens, ground beef, beacon, sausage, chicken breasts and fritters along with several frozen veggies and steak fries. On average it was between 4 and 5 dollars a pound but for the choice cuts this isn't too bad for fresh beef when you pay over 2 dollars a pound for just ground beef at Wally World. We brought the food home and surveyed what we had and tried to decide where to put it all. After several minutes and a few tries at repacking we made it all fit. I think if we had one more bag of items we would have had to find storage elsewhere. It has been about 3 years since we had purchased a portion of beef and I think that time it lasted us about 14 months. I think we have more this time so we will see how quick we run through it. To quote Jenny from the Blog "Moo!"
UPDATE: For supper tonight Needles had a sirloin and I had a New York strip with mashed potatoes and sweet peas. It was very good.
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