Sunday, February 10, 2008

What The Bliz?

I don't know but I am very upset. It seems that someone who I will remain nameless. (CYNICAL) Has not been keeping up with his job of informing us of our Blizzard Flavor of the Month. Why is it that it is a third of the way through Feburary and I am just now hearing about this from a T.V. commercial? All I can say is I am dissapointed and I think someones Fan Club privlages should be revoked. Cynical I am terribly upset so I must end this post and go get myself and Choco Cherry Love Blizzard to make myself feel alive again. I think a little piece of me died when I found out about this neglect. I think I am going to go slit my wrists with a fpoon.

PS. Needles mom scored 8 sets of orange Halloween lights, various blow mold bones and 4 skull trick or treat buckets for $3 at and auction. Thanks "L".

1 comment:

K_Dense73 said...

Refer to the first rule of the Blizzard Fan Club.