Monday, May 15, 2006

Another Monday.

Today was another Monday. Since my boss was gone the department seems to be running as smooth as a pig on stilts. The reports that I usually have done within the first 30 minutes of work got done about 5 hours later than usual. It seemed at time the paperwork kept pileing up and I couldn't make any progress. I finally got out from under it and was able to get out of there about an hour after I was supposed to leave. I hope tomorrow will go smotther but I am afrraid this whole week will be nothing but a bunch of Mondays. Oh Well, One down 4 to go.


FarmWife said...

Monday, Monday...So good to me...NOT!

Hope it smooths out.

Rudy said...

Good to see your back on-line farm wife. Yes the dreaded MUNDEE! Cant live with'em and cant start on TWOSDEE.