Monday, May 01, 2006

A Working Sink.

The garbage disposals connected to the tail pipe. The tail pipe is connected to the P trap. The P trap is connected to the drain pipe. Now pray the thing don't leak. We now have a working kitchen sink, garbage disposal and dish washer. I am a plumbing genius. Well I guess I wouldn't go that far. When I was taking the drain pipe apart, my thoughts went to the Ghost Hunters. They are Roto Rooter employees by day and Ghost Hunters (TAPS) The Atlantic Paranormal Society by night. When they show them on the TV they are working on shower heads and water lines but they don't show the bad side of plumbing. The drain side is the dark side of the force. Ragged you may want to stop reading now. Residue food on the inside of pipes is nasty and doesn't smell like fresh cut flowers. After my small experience with the plumbing under the sink I can understand why plumbers get paid the big bucks. It was disgusting. The Ghost Hunter guys make it look so clean & easy. Kudos to the Roto Rooter guys you deserve it.
My parents are going home to the promise land tomorrow and won't be back for a couple months, but we will be going down for a camping excursion in Memorial Day weekend. I can't wait.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Never, fear, cast iron stomach when it comes to gross conversation, weak stomach when it comes to food.

So glad McGuyver once again prevailed.