Saturday, May 06, 2006

Trying to go South.

We have been out working in the yarn room today. Needles has been getting some things together to post on eBay. This evening we had a couple of our friends we haven't seen for a few months drop by and visit. It was nice to catch up and hopefully we can get together again before the summer is gone. Needles has been on a relentless job hunt. We are trying to go south. She did find a couple jobs that she is considering. If things work out we might and I mean might be able to get out of here and say good bye to the noisy neighbors. I have said to Needles since I quit the MRI job that if she finds a better job I would pack up and we would blow this popsicle stand. Hopefully the days are numbered and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Only time will tell.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Go south, young man, go south.