Monday, May 22, 2006

Much better mood.

I am in a much better mood today than this time last week. As you might have read in previous blogs that last week my boss was in sunny Florida on vacation. It was a nightmare. We had several hurdles that popped up in front of us over the week and all say one was jumped with room to spare. The say one was a hundred foot tall and even with a rope and ten other guys we weren't getting over that one. This incident had to involve Dr.s. One of our Radiologist left last week to a new job and the 2 remaining Radiologists couldn't handle the load. It all came to a head Friday night when a emergency room patient needed a reading on a study at 3 am in the morning. Lets just say that tempers flared and fits were thrown. It hard to believe we are talking about grown men much less Dr.s.
I just got a call from Needles. I was hoping that since she didn't call at 4:30pm that she was on her way home with the truck. No such luck. So now they are telling us possible tomorrow. It's like that song .....It seems it's always a day away. Tomorrow they will have had the truck for 18 days and it is still not done. When Needle drove by this evening it wasn't even up on the lift like they were working on it. Sweet Mary and Baby Jebus. Please let them get this truck done before I become a Dr.

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