Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Well as you can tell by the title what kind of day it has been. The day was overall butt - @ss crazy. It was very hectic and I felt like I was running in circles getting nothing done. At 1pm I got a call from Needles telling me that she hadn't received that call from the transmission people like they said they would. So I got to call them and do some butt chewing and by the time I got off the phone I was so mad I was almost shaking. They people on the phone was pleasant enough but they have had the truck 2 weeks tomorrow and not a thing has been done. They assured Needles that they were ordering parts tomorrow and that they were going to try and I do mean this in every since of the word TRY to have it done Friday at closing time. I am not holding my breath. The estimate bill for a rebuilt transmission $1600 and change. And the hits just keep on coming. When we got home Needles found out that the retirement statement she is trying to get rolled over didn't get sent to the retirement plan it was supposed to be sent to. It got mailed to us but they kept the envelope that had the address to send it to the place it needs to get to. DUMB @SSES! I also received an email response from my continuing education credit that I have been waiting for for 12 days and hotmails new and improved email service blocked the DA%M attachment so I get to email them again and wait and try to have it sent AGAIN!!!!!UUUGGHHHHHHH! This has been a dell of a hay! I am ready for May to be over with because it has sucked @ss so far. I just wish that people did there freakin job instead of half @ssing everything and requiring you to hand hold them with a kick to the back side to get stuff done. Everything and I mean everything is over complicated a it's like pulling teeth to get things done right the first time.

In case you couldn't tell this is a vent post. I will now go beat my head again a wall. What am I in the mood for today. Drywall, paneling or concrete block. I think the concrete might give me the desired effect I want......To be unconscious.


Rudy said...

Hang in there bubby. Its aways darkest before the dawn.:)

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Here's hoping your Thursday is much improved.