Thursday, June 22, 2006

Another Day Gone By.

As you may know I work in the medical field of diagnostic imaging. This is a fancy term for X-Ray Department. In my years of working in the field there are days that your job gives you fulfillment and is rewarding in the knowledge that you are doing good for the community. For example adult or child falls down and hurts his or her wrist. X-ray said wrist. Decide on a treatment based on visual interpretation of the images. Patient gets better and returns to normal life. There is a second category of patient that is working the system for aid money and comes into the Emergency Room every time they have a hang nail. This is one of those times when you just grin and do the best job you can to get them away from you. I know I sound unsympathetic but if you worked in the medical field as long as I have you would know what I am talking about. Don't get me wrong the people that are on some sort of public aid and need it has every right to it. I know that we are not all born healthy and live healthy lives. There is also the part of the job when you do an exam and the finding of the test has life changing and possibly ending results. Then there is the last major category, medical documentation of a death. This is probably the most unrewarding part of the job. This is when a person dies of a suspicious and we have to document the way they died by X-ray images. It has been awhile since I had done anything like this, but today was the day. Scenario: 75 y/o white male tired of living decides to commit suicide with a 22 caliber handgun to the right temple. After life saving measures was terminated by the wife's request we had to document the path of the bullet and that indeed the bullet was still in the skull and had not exited the body. Like I said this is not the best part of the job but it had to be done. I just hope it is a long time before we get any more like this. Days like this just make you wonder why.


Ragged Around the Edges said...
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Ragged Around the Edges said...

I cannot imagine having to do something like that. However, I am glad that there are sensitive professionals that can handle this sort of thing. (Like you.)