Monday, June 19, 2006

Years of Yard Mowing

As some might have caught my type-o. All I can say is spell check didn't catch it so it must be correct. No wonder I'm so tired. Possible good news on the truck. They think it is the PVC valve and they are going to change the rotor cap on the distributor. We might hear something about it this evening or tomorrow. Hopefully we will get it back tomorrow.
Hope everyone had a good bay. snicker.


Rudy said...

Im prowd to say that I am selibrating going this long withoout a type-oh. Yep it is really hard to git this smrt and I am gittin moore smrtiest buy tha minit. Yup I is..

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I can see how breathing gas fumes from a lawn mower for two years could impare your concept of time and space. ; )

Here's to the truck coming home soon safe and healthy.