Friday, June 23, 2006

It's Been Years.

I used to work at a little clinic in Southern, Illinois. I had a coworker that went to Chicago often and would bring back delicacies from the windy city and I and my coworkers would stuff our faces with said delicacies. Today I was able to enjoy a treat I haven't had in years. My lovely Needles found a place less than 10 miles away that sells cannolis. I was thrilled when I heard what she had brought home. I did the happy dance of joy in my head because if I did it for real I probably would frighten Needles and she would run off with the cannolis and I would be sad. So I played it cool and smooth and just passed out in the floor with a smile on my face. She got me 2 of them and after supper I dove into them, head/mouth first. They were as good as I remembered. I wolfed the first one down without any problem and then started on the second. They were so rich and delicious and I was getting full but I forced myself to finish it. It was a hard job but I feel that I was the right man for the job and wasn't going to let a things like side splitting fullness stop me from the creamy goodness of a cannoli. I know, I know I am an amazing person to go through something like that and not be scarred for life but now I think I am addicted. It's not like I have a weak constitution but.....Well, I guess I have a weak constitution. All I can say is it was and experience that I hope to go through perhaps once or twice a week. This addiction could get expensive at $2 a pop. Just because this new found addiction might make me weight 300 pounds doesn't mean it's bad for you right? Have a good weekend everyone.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Goodie. Goodie. I am jealous, they are $6.95 a pop at the restaurant near us. Mmmmmmmm.