Saturday, June 24, 2006


Our newly shampooed living room carpet.

We are having guests next weekend for July 4th (Cynical and Ragged) and we have been rather industrious today in our cleaning. We moved all the living room furniture into the middle room and shampooed the carpet. After it was dry we moved all the furniture from the middle room to the living room and shampooed the carpet in there. Copper kitty although not caring for the sound of the vacuum cleaner or the shampooer hide in the laundry room. Tugger opting for the pantry and hasn't come out since. We have all the furniture back to where it was and the carpets are completely dry but still no Tugger. I guess it will take several hours or days to sort it out. Copper is flopped at my feet like nothing happened. Nothing seems to faze short bus kitty. We are making progress and hope to be finished with cleaning and thinning out the kitty fur tumbleweeds. I hope to get everything done by next weekend.

Here is Tuggers hiding spot.

Come on out little kitty.


K_Dense73 said...

All for lit'l ole me? I declare!

Ragged Around the Edges said...

My goodness. You guys were very industrious.