Thursday, June 29, 2006

Day Before Friday.

Today was hectic and I am glad tomorrow is Friday. We are expecting company this weekend and I am sorry to say that we are not finished cleaning the house. We might have to do one of those push everything and a closet and hope it doesn't break open the door. My parents came up to from the promise land as it is always nice to catch up on things. I haven't seen them for almost a month. My eyes are getting cloudy and that usually means I am getting tired so it is time to sign off. I doubt I will have a chance to post again until next week as my weekend is going to be fun filled with the 3 F's. Friends, Family and Fireworks. Can you get any better than that?


needlefingers said...


Sorry. :)

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Oh, it's just us, trust me, don't go to any trouble. We just wanna visit, enjoy the friends, the family, the fireworks and the fiber.

Brando said...

Free Babysitter!

FarmWife said...

Enjoy your guests! Come visit us on the farm if you get the chance!