Friday, June 16, 2006

Friday....Not so great.

Today I was at work and it wasn't too bad of a day and then I saw Needles standing in the sliding glass window at which I work most of my day behind, and from the look on her face I knew something was wrong. Apparently the truck was acting up. I checked the transmission fluid suspecting that first and moved to the oil. The oil was a bit low but since I hadn't driven it I wasn't sure exactly what it was doing. Needles ran across the road to an AutoZone and picked up a couple quarts and I poured it in. I told her that I hope that might do the trick. She got about a block away and had to shut it off. She called me and I called a mechanic and had them meet her at her truck. Apparently it is an ignition or electrical issue. I suspect this might be from the new transmission work but will probably never prove it. The truck was supposed to go back to the transmission place for a 15 day checkup and it can't because it is in the shop again. Oh well , I am not going to stress about it and enjoy my weekend the best I can. Have a good weekend everyone.


Rudy said...

Hope they find the problem and it is not very expensive. Hang in there Bubby..

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Car troubles are never much fun. Here's hoping it's fixed quickly and inexpensively.