Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ghosts N Goblins

Tonight was the 4th class of our Paranormal class. We did have a lot of class time but got to go to a location that a young female died in a car accident several years ago. They tried to get an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) The first attempt was illegible but the second they picked up a background voice saying "Killed By Car." The voice sounded like man but a female is who died in the accident. They had a cross and concrete stone marker on the site. The tree nearby bore the scares of her fatal accident. Apparently she had someone else into the car but we aren't sure if the sex of the passenger. He or She supposedly died in the hospital several hours later. It is too late to mess with it now but I will try to get some picture of our class in action this weekend. Thanks God tomorrow is FRIDAY!

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