Saturday, July 08, 2006

I Love A Parade.

Here is some pictures taken with labels because you might get confused as to what are in the pictures. I am such a tard.
This is a small bench on the city hall square.



Sponge Bob


Miss Pork Queen 2005

They haven't elected 2006 yet.


Antique Tractor

Old Truck

This is the best. You may not be able to see the entire sign but it says "Squealing for Jesus."

The word squealing bring back memories of dueling banjos and Deliverance. deep body shutter.

The sign at the left of the float? is Oink if you love Jesus. Isn't it somewhat ironic.

Jesus never ate pork.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I am still giggling over the Deliverance reference.