Friday, July 14, 2006

It's A Fright!

We went to our second Paranormal Class last night. This one was more fun although it was hotter than HELLO in the building. After about an hour of looking at the equipment and our teacher telling us how and when to use the equipment to get the most information. The second hour we spent walking by the rodeo arena trying to see if we might pick up anything paranormal on our digital cameras. We would walk in almost total darkness and then suddenly you were blinded by a flash of someone's camera. It was neat to walk around in the dark. Your senses become heightened and normal everyday things take on a new personality at night. All in all it was just nice to get out of the class room where it was muggy and sticky. The night was still warm but a little breeze made it bearable. After class we returned home ecto-mist free. Better luck next time I guess.


Rudy said...

My lovely wife Brando bought me a Ghost Hunting for Dummys. It is only a matter of time when she buys me a Personal Voice Recorder to record EVPs and goes ghost hunting with me. I can see it all now. Just a matter of time...

Ragged Around the Edges said...

These classes sound fascinating.