Saturday, July 08, 2006

Were Back!

I wanted to post more photos but blogger is having a fit right now. Maybe later.

We survived another hog wild pork day. We got there just in time to eat there famous pork burgers and chase it with a lemon shake up. We then got to our spot to watch the parade and that when Needles mom walked up to join us. We watched the parade and took lots of pictures. You can tell it is a farm community when the 70% of your parade consists of antique farm tractors and equipment. The rest consists of emergency medical vehicles , political candidates, Shriner's, Mason's, Church and local business floats. It didn't seem as big as it was last year and the concession stands didn't wrap so far a round the city hall square. The small town parade seems to be dyeing out slowly but surely. The tradition started in 1969 and who knows how long it will hang in there. This evening we are contemplating a trip to the big city to Ophelia's Cup for supper. I hope to have there rockin roast beef sandwich. YUMMY! I have to get the yard mowed today. Maybe after the sun sets lower to the west and it cools off a bit. We will see if I can yet again put it off until tomorrow.

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