Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Phantom Stench!

Tonight was our 3rd class of paranormal investigating and we got to visit a cemetery. It was neat to walk among the tombstones at night. The temperature was a little on the warm and steamy side but not too bad. Apparently there was and old Indian sun dial in the cemetery which supposedly is marked by several mounds in the area. The tallest mount was were we thought we may have made a connection to the OTHER side. We started smelling a sweet vanilla type smell. Almost smelled like flavored pipe tobacco. The smell seemed to come and go without any reason. We investigated the surround area to see if we could pick up the scent in other areas but didn't have any luck. I suggested that one person stay behind and let the rest of the group move away to rule out any persons perfume or even fabric softener smells. As the group moved away the smell went away. My first clue to the origin of the PHANTOM SMELL. We returned to the pavilion and I just so happened to be there with 2 lady's of the group that I suspected and yep there was the not so phantom smell again. Drat! Oh Well! There is always Thursday night.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Darned those pipe-smoking women. ; )