Wednesday, December 27, 2006

It's Down!

The Xmas tree is down thanks to Needles working on it while I was at work. I have to admit that I am surprised that it wasn't knocked over at least once by our furry housemates. Tomorrow we are leaving for the promise land and hopefully a nice visit with Cynical and Ragged while we are down there. We will return on the first of the new year, so this will be my final post of 2006. Goodbye 2006. I can't say that I am gonna miss you because you sucked. The year has seemed to be plagued with family members having health issues. I hope that 2007 is much better. See ya next year.

PS. 2006 don't let the door hit ya in the back side...


needlefingers said...

You said it!!!!!!

Rudy said...

Cant say I liked 06 either. See ya.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Think you guys could swing by and take our tree down? Please, pretty please.

I am through with 2006 as well; it has to get better, it has to.

FarmWife said...

Someday we'll think of '06 as the "good ol' days." Isn't that scary? Mine was pretty decent, but with New Baby on the way, '07 will rock!

Enjoy the trip south!

FarmWife said...

Pilot, I need your help. As you have a more decidedly male readership than I, I'm here to ask their input. Husband and I are having a debate.

The problem is, most who read my blog (and comment) are of the female persuassion. Husband thinks this taints the input and says we need more men to give their opinions.

Could you and Rudy and K-Dense please put your two cents in for Husband's sake? I'd appriciate it!