Saturday, December 02, 2006


Needles and I put the tree up today. We have been guarding it from Copper that has never seen a Xmas tree before. This is our first Xmas with him and with his special kitty ways, I think we are in for an interesting month. I will keep you posted. If you remember last year we had Tuggers first Xmas and we had a few problems with ornaments being knocked off but not too bad. Tomorrow we are going down to Needle's mom to see if the uncle's had any luck in the second deer season. We have had a rather pleasant few days off staying inside where it is warm. Looks like we are in for a cold week, but no snow and that is a good thing seeing what just west of us is going through.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

I hate to jinx us, but so far, so good here. I have my fingers crossed that our luck continues and we don't come home to broken ornaments or a toppled tree.

Brando said...

Well we have had one broken ornament and it was not Yin or Yuri that broke it. I was placing a heavy ornament further up and it crashed thru the tree and broke a plain glass ball.

What did yo do with all the furniture???

Tree look GREAT!

K_Dense73 said...

Glad you finally got it up. ;)

Brando said...

I was waiting to see who would make the pervy comment. Now I know.

Rudy said...

Does anyone want to know what the heavy ornament brando was placing in the tree??? Yep the new name for "my package" is "The Ornament"... He he he just kidding with a little Christmas giddyness.

FarmWife said...

A little too much Christmas giddyness if you ask me! What was it doing in the tree anyway, Rudy? No, wait, I really don't want to know.

I still haven't put up our tree due to small children and ornament breakage.

Brando said...

Seriously! Rudy MUST have me confused with his other wife and kid. I do not want his "ornament" anywhere near my tree.... HEE HEE HEE!!!

I often wonder if Rudy was dropped on his head ALOT as a child?!?

It was a Longaberger snowman, and I would still be crying if it broke!