Monday, December 25, 2006

On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day.

Today is Christmas and we have returned from Needles Moms and from Rudy's family. I made out like a bandit down at L's house. We ate like kings. Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, green beans and squash pie........heavenly. Let's just say after two helpings I was miserable, but miserable in a good way. We returned home to find out that our 2 fuzzy prisoners broke out of their prison of the back room. Tugger nestled under the Christmas tree and Cooper was hemmed up behind the recliner. I vow that when we go to the promise land next weekend.....They will NOT get out! After we returned from L's house and went to Rudy's to see all the stuff that Santa left for them. When we left there the neighbors down the street left a platter full of fudge and cookies in our truck which we quickly went home and started in on the yummy delights. I ate half of the pecan log as soon as I walked in the door and chased it with a glass of milk. I am now miserable again in a good way. I need a nap. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Merry Christmas!

Rudy said...

Pecan Logs kick a$$.