Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I got GAS!

As you might have read on Needles Blog. They had a gas main rupture maybe due to the heaving of the ground because of the sub freezing temps we have had lately. I was told we were without gas around 2pm and at 5 pm they came to shut off the meter. At 8:30 pm I was informed by Rudy that it was fixed but it would take several hours for them to get to us to turn on our gas and light the pilots. I was patient for about 45 minutes and then I had to turn it on myself. When I got home the house was at 62 degrees. With both quartz electric heaters going we gained about 3 degrees. With single digits outside they were just barely keeping up. After re lighting the pilot the central heat we were up to 66 degrees in just 15 minutes. Now that we a re nice and toasty I think I will get a better nights sleep. You just don't think to much about modern conviences until they are no longer working. I have gas and I am proud of it.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Brrrrrr. Glad you have gas.

FarmWife said...

Not a good time to be without gas...

Rudy said...

Can I get a shout out for GAS????!!!!!!!!!!

K_Dense73 said...

I was fully prepared to come north and fill your tank myself. Guess it'll just be for Ragged's enjoyment now.

FarmWife said...

Thank you for the heart hole info. It's nice to know we're not the only ones...I'm not going to worry about it.