Sunday, January 21, 2007

Snow is HERE! Sort of.

Friday night Needles and I visited with Rudy, Brando, Yuri and Yin. We sipped coffee and I played with the kids until it was bed time. Yesterday was a good day. Needles had to make a run to Eville to pick up here uncle from the hospital. I stayed at home and kept the home fires burning. I watched a lot of T.V. I surfed the internets and ate leftovers in the fridge. I was a slug. Today we awoke to snow and Needles fixed scrambled eggs for breakfast. We now are relaxing with a warm cup of coffee and I see the inner slug in me coming out again today. Maybe enough energy to do some laundry later. We will see.
With the huge amount of snow we got I may go outside and build a snowman. Yeah right.

P.S. Needles and I have a theory. When it snows, kitty's brain cells shrink and they go crazy. Well crazier than they already are. They have been ripping through the house this morning.

1 comment:

FarmWife said...

My mom suggested I fill up some buckets with snow and bring them into the bath tub for my sick kids to play in. I told her it would take the entire 10 acres of land to get enough clean snow scraped up to fill a bucket.