Saturday, January 13, 2007

Rainy Weekend.

Caption: What is this lovey contraption? sniff sniff.
Above is a glove for our fuzzy housemates given to us by Jenny from the Blog. She thought they had to have it. Copper says thanks Jenny.

Needles and I woke up way late for the rainy weekend. It is a weekend none the less and we are going to enjoy it. After rolling out of bed at 10:00am I fixed toast and eggs while Needles prepared the 89 ers blend (coffee). We noticed that the 1 pound bag of whole bean she purchased not too long ago is half gone. So now we are watching T.V. and sipping coffee while watching Copper and Tugger take on the look of croissants on the carpet in front of the heater. They stretch, yawn and change positions only to cook the other side for awhile. With the weekend wide open we are not sure what to do. I know that I need to pull the windshield washer tank out of Needles truck and patch it. We also need to make a run to the grocery store sometime. I see we might be getting some ice late Sunday or Monday. Time will tell. I guess winter is finally going to get here.

Caption: MINE!

Thanks Jenny for Coppers new found obsession.

Copper is now in the Morris 9Lives clinic for CAA (catnip addiction anonymous)


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Ikie will sponsor Copper. He too is a recovering addict.

Rudy said...

Cool Pics. I batted at the screen myself a time or two before moving on and commenting.

FarmWife said...

Poor Copper. Give him my best!

Jennifer said...

Aw, Im glad 'little simple' loves it! That last picture made me laugh out loud.