Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hello Tammy Faye!

Friday evening after work Needles and I decided to do some long needed grocery shopping and go out to eat at one of our local Chinese restaurant. While we were in Wally World we noticed a lady walk by with her hair up in one of those banana clips from the 80's. This being somewhat unusual drew my attention. When I glimpsed her face the first thing that came to my mind was Tammy Faye Baker meets Boy George. It looked like she had troweled on the make up/spackle. In fact she wasn't a very attractive woman anyway and I question if SHE might really be a HE. I snapped this picture so if you think you might have a clue as to the gender of the person.

Here is the picture.


Rudy said...

My what big ears you got.

Brando said...

Hello.... That was ME!!! Just kidding. It is funny when we pick the same places to eat.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

It's not every day that you get a celebrity sighting. ;-)

K_Dense73 said...

You crazy.