Monday, March 12, 2007

Water go bye bye.

Yesterday after I got my shower I decided to clean the drain. Not the most glamorous of jobs but something that needed to be done. I cleaned it as best I could and then while Needles got her shower the water started to back up in the tub. I tried a plunger and no go. I went to the local grocery store and purchased a drain cleaner and followed the instructions and still no go. While at work today I discussed my dilemma with a friend that works in maintenance and he had a product for me to use. I brought the cleaner home and dumped it in and hear all sorts of noise emanating from the drain. About an hour later still no go. Needles called and was going to stop by the store and asked if I needed anything. I asked for yet another drain cleaner. After dumping it in I thought for sure this would do the trick. An hour later the water was going down but very very slowly. We opted to pour some steaming hit water down the slow drain and after a few minutes........Eureka! Success. We now have a functioning drain. I ran hot water down the drain for several minutes just to make sure. Before the bathroom sink when full would take about 20 seconds to drain. Now bout 5 to 6 seconds. I guess with all the products that I put down the drain is like new and I am very happy that the situation is over with.

On another note the furry companions have several toys in which to play with and they lay all over the house and they don't move one inch from day to day to indicate they are not being played with. The other day I cleaned out the tub and sink with some cleaner and a plastic scrubby thingy. I laid it on side of the tub for the water to drain out of it and dry out before I put in back under the sink. About 10 minutes later I see Copper run through the house with it in his mouth. I jumped up and chased him which caused Copper to drop it. I was worried that there might be some residual chemical in the scrubby so I put it on top of the bathroom sink and hide it behind the towel to let it dry out. Apparently I forgot about it but Copper didn't . Tonight as we were watching T.V. Copper dashes through the living room with an extremely large bushy green mustache. I chased him an hold him to drop it which made him run all the faster and dart in and out behind the furniture. After a short chase he dropped it and I finally put it away under the sink in the cabinet an out of the reach of furry people. He looked somewhat disappointed about it so I retrieved a brand new blue scrubby from under the sink and let him have it. We have been playing fetch with it most of the evening. When you pick it up he looks at you as if to say. Throw it! Throw it now! He gets so excited he gives short meow type noises like he can hardly contain his excitement. He's not right. It is late and I am hearing the bed calling for me. Getting up in the dark again sucks.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Every cat needs a scratchy sponge to play with. . . even if it does have residue on it.

Izzie remembers that once she found a ring in my make-up kit, each morning she digs through it just in case.

Rudy said...

I will make sure and get him a plunger to play with for his little kitty birthday. He he e