Sunday, March 25, 2007

Play Set from Hell Part 2.

Yesterday after Needles and I got up we had scrambled eggs , toast and coffee for breakfast. I had plans to help with the play set at Rudy's. We started at 10am and worked for a couple hours until we broke for lunch. I was a beautiful day outside so we had ham and cheese sandwiches on the patio. After lunch we got back to the project. We worked through the difficulties of the boards not being labeled and then ran into a couple of other boards that were miss drilled. The pre drilled holes in the boards were wrong so we had to re drill them correctly. We also ran into a hardware shortage but a neighbor down the street had some galvanized wood screws. Unfortunately we still didn't finish it ,even working until 7pm last night. The light was gone so we decided to stop. I would say we are 85 to 90% done with the play set. Rudy and I was in the sun enough yesterday to get our first sunburn of the year. I would have to say they I think this is the earliest sunburn I have had. Oh yeah I forgot to mention the best part about yesterday. Early on while we were still decking the top of the play set Rudy was the only one on the set when he got a little too close to the front edge before we staked down the play set. The whole thing tipped forward and Rudy with his cat like agility sprang from the teetering tottler trapeze and rolled to safety unharmed. I told Rudy as soon as I found out he was unharmed that it was good for a blog post. so here it is. Today I think we are just going to veg out at home.

1 comment:

Rudy said...

I got my first sunburn yesterday and my second today. Oooooooh Yeah feel the burn.