Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Humpity Humpity Humpity.

Yes today was hump day. It was a rather nice day. Not too busy but busy enough to make the day seem to move along. This week has been hospital week and on Monday , my place of employment had flavored coffee and pastries in the cafeteria. Yesterday they had cake and ice cream and today a free cook out. They cooked the food outside on the grill and we had to eat inside on paper plates due to the rain. Tomorrow I think they are having a Who's who contest. We were supposed to bring a picture of ourselves from the 80's and submit them to the business office. They were going to assemble them into a game. Whoever guesses the most correctly wins something. As all the picture from the 80's are at my parent house in the promise land I choose not to submit a picture. It will be fun to see all the picture though and guess who is who. One of my co workers was born in 83 so I'm sure she could stump a few people. Friday they have something else planned but I am not sure what. We will have to wait and see.
It is pouring down rain right now. The TV picture has been breaking up into puzzle pieces for the past few minutes. Needles hasn't made it home yet but since I have been home I warmed up dinner. made a fresh gallon of sweet tea and a pot of coffee. Also started a load of dishes in the dish washer. I have been poductive since I have been home instead of plopping on the couch like most days. Energy fading and the couch is calling. I have such pour will power. Watch out couch here I come.

1 comment:

K_Dense73 said...

We did a similar game for Employee Week except we had baby pictures. It was alot of fun.