Monday, October 23, 2006

Cache Slash Fest 2006

We had a great turn out for the Cache Slash Fest 2006. I think the head count was around 80 or so. Everything went well, although we did have a couple of snags. We did have one of the cachers flip his car. He and his girlfriend wasn't hurt other than a few bumps and bruises but the car was totaled. We also had such an interest in the paranormal presentation at the graveyard that the hayride there was overloaded. The hitch for the trailer was setting on the ground and the trailer wouldn't move. We had to unload a few of the riders and take several vehicles to get everyone to the presentation site. We did experience a few sprinkles on the way back from the cemetery but other than that the weather was perfect. We gave away around 120 prizes and had enough food for an army. I think everyone had a good time and that is the main thing. Needles and I were glad to have Bucky and Half-Pint as guests over the weekend. They participated in the events at the caching party and although I wish we could have spent more time together, but the event kept me hopping. We did however have one casualty of the Cache Slash Fest. Needles and I went to Rudy's house to bring home some of the props. On the way home I took it nice and slow and everything was going fine. As we encountered an intersection and was only about 200 Ft from the driveway a gust of wing kicked up and carried the guillotine over the side of the truck and smashed it in the road. I wasn't upset about the loss of the prop but I was mad that when the prop went over the side of the truck it left some nice scratches down the side of the truck. Not just small scratches. Through the paint and into the metal scratches. I guess it could have been worse. We could have meet and car and it damage it too. Well I guess all in all it was a good time but I seem to be paying for it now. My sore body is telling me I over did it.

The picture above is the Alien Autopsy Prop that we used to draw for prizes.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Sorry for the prop loss and scratches to the truck. I know that had you stringing together choice words.

The event was great. Your hard work and creativity certainly paid off.