Sunday, October 08, 2006

Went to the BIG CITY.

Yesterday Needles and I went to the Big City to do some shopping. We ventured to Menards because they have Halloween stuff and you know we need more Halloween stuff. NOT! But like a alzheimers patient buying their 3 gallon of milk when the first one isn't even opened I made purchases and have no clue where to put the stuff. In the previous years frenzy of putting things out, I have opted for larger and less items than smaller more plentiful items as it is quicker although more labor to but up. I have leaned away from cutesy and in for more of the gore of the Holiday. I am not sure but with all the expense of the Projects and several new props for the yard I think I could have made 2 house payments with it. All this for just one night. I know most would think this is nuts but seeing the kids come to the house eyes open wide soaking it all in. You know in several years and Halloween rolls around they will still remember the spooky house that used to go overboard on Halloween. It makes it all worth it. I know that there are some out there that get religion mixed up in Halloween and think it is the work of the Debil (Water boy reference), but the one and only reason we do this is for the kids and for the shear fun of it. We are not doing satanic rituals in a "fake" graveyard or trying to turn kids over to "the dark side". If we were I think flyers and a bake sale would be in order and for this I would think there would be more appropriate locals. Not my front yard. All in all I hope everyone has a great week and Halloween is fast approaching.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I can't wait to see everything you guys have cooked up.