Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Jury Duty.

Last month I received a notice that I was called for jury selection. The first date I had to call and was notified that it was cancelled. The second date I called and CRAP! It was still on. I arrived at the court house last Monday and prepared myself for what seemed like endless setting and waiting. The first group was called and questioned to see if there were anyone who would be a good juror or not. After a brief intermission only 4 of the 14 was chosen and 4 held just incase. I was the last to be called into the second group. I was ready to get it over with as I had been setting for a couple hours and any chance to get up and stretch my legs was welcome. I sat as the questions was posed to my group. I desperately wanted a question that I could raise my hand to. They asked questions like. Have any of you associated with the plaintiff, witnesses, atornees or defendant? Have you had any legal training? Do you have training in insurance billing? I was hoping ,Do any of you have brown hair? Would be asked and my hand would have shot up and I would have been out the door but no luck. We found out that the suit was regarding insurance fraud. My fellow prospective jurors and I was finished being questioned and sat for another brief intermission. The attorneys came out and said that they have their jurors selected and read the names allowed. My name was called as the last juror and then the 2 alternates were called. The rest of the people in the courtroom was dismissed. I cringed a little and sucumed to the inevitable. We were release for lunch to return at 1:30pm. I figured we would be told what to do and return tomorrow for jury duty but we went right into the trial and evidence. By the time we went through the witnesses for the day my head was splitting with a headache. I just wanted to be home. As I walked down the many stairs of the courthouse, my legs felt like they were going to give way. I just thought, If I can just make it to the truck I will be fine. I returned home and went to bed. After about an hour nap I was fine. I guess I had a migraine. I have only had 2 or 3 of them in my life so I wasn't sure what it was. I thought for sure when I got home I would have had a fever, but it was normal. I felt hot, nauseated, dizzy, weak and trimbely, muscle aches and blurred vision. I wasn't sure what it was but I was glad when it was gone. The next day I arrived at the courthouse at 8:30am. Little did I know that it would be 10 am before we got into the courtroom. After hearing more evidence and witnesses we broke for lunch at 11:30am. We returned from lunch around 1pm and sat in the jury room for about 30 minutes. When we went back out the the courtroom we were informed that they had come to a settlement and that we were FREE to go. I am glad that I didn't have to make a decision as I believe both sides were lieing their ass off. I think the truth was in there somewhere but it was mixed up amongst the other crap that deciphering it was murky at best. I was also glad that I got called in this civil case as on the 23rd of this month there is a criminal case and my time is served. I can't be called for 2 years. I am just glad it is over.


K_Dense73 said...

I had jury duty when I was 18 years old and I sat through two civil cases. It was not fun and luckily I haven't had to do it since.

Rudy said...

Havent ever been called and knock on wood I hope I never do. Glad it all worked out for ya.