Monday, October 16, 2006

Takes Me Back.

Man lives in the sunlit world of
what he believes to be reality.
But, there is, unseen by most, an underworld,
a place that is just as real,
but not as brightly lit

This month with Halloween just around the corner, we have been watching scary movies and shows. Last week and this week the SCI-FI Channel has been showing a marathon of a show that takes me back to when I was a boy. The show is called Tales from the Dark Side. It had quirky 30 minute episodes. Some better than others. I would say out of the 90 episodes that were produced over the 4 year run that there was only a handful that we good and that I remember. We have been watching them for an think back to when I actually thought this show was scary and well written. Today they have lost their luster and appear more like hasty written and for the most part bad acting and shoddy special effects. It is still entertaining but in a whole new way. Last night we rented Silent Hill. Although not the best scary movie I have seen, it did have some interesting concepts on what is scary. This month we are enjoying the programming of the SCI-FI Channel and the 13 days of Halloween. We are in heaven. Let's keep them coming.
The darkside is always there,
waiting for us to enter,
waiting to enter us.
So until next time,
try to enjoy the daylight.


FarmWife said...

I can remeber a friend telling me, "YOu have to watch Salem's Lot. It's terrifying!!!" When I found it more campy than terrifying he added, "Well, I haven't seen it since I was 10."

Rudy said...

Make sure to keep pepper on hand for those cantacerous old Uncles that refuse to stay in the box. I will keep a little pepper around for Uncle Mort.