Friday, October 27, 2006

Cheese Factor 8.

Tonight's entertainment is Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. It started off abit far fetched an then moved to near idiotic and just plan cheesy. Dennis Hopper crazy with a chainsaw. I am watching these movies because I missed them when I was a kid. I felt like a portion of the scare factor in my up bringing might be missing because these classic horror movies were missed. I was wrong. Oh Well what else are you going to watch on a Friday night. So the list of scary movies grow.
  1. Children of the Corn
  2. Silent Hill
  3. Dawn of the Dead (2004)
  4. Lost Boys
  5. An American Werewolf in London
  6. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
  7. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

I am glad it is the weekend. Have a good weekend everyone.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I actually saw Lost Boys for the first time in the theater. I love that flick.