Monday, February 05, 2007


It was ass crack crazy cold this morning. On my way to work I pass by 2 digital temperature signs. I missed seeing the first one as it cycles through messages and then flashes the temp, but I usually try to guess what the temp is before I get to them. I guessed 10 degrees. When I arrived at the sign I gasped when I saw 0 degrees. I knew it has been cold but this was the coldest morning so far. Supposedly we are in for a snow event. 1 to 2 inches is the forcast but I don't think we will get much. A dusting of the white stuff is my prediction. Time will tell.

1 comment:

FarmWife said...

"Ass Crack Crazy cold?!" That has got to be the funniest thing I've read all day! Of course, it's early still, but I think you may have won the award for making me laugh earliest in the morning for the past 2 months...