Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Get it over with.

This week, as you may know, my boss has been gone. I think when she leaves the crazy shit karma comes in full effect. Stuff that never happens in everyday average day of work happens 2 to 3 times a day while she is gone. Monday we were the busiest than we have been in months which was a bad sign to start off with. Tuesday we had the Physicist checking our machines to make sure that we are within limits and can stay in business which is a once a year thing, no big deal right. The big deal comes in when the company that does regular maintenance drops in a tears down one of our X-ray machines without telling us and it hadn't been checked out yet. If they didn't get it back together in time for the Physicist to check out then he would have to reschedule another visit. Sounds harmless right. This means a couple thousand dollar reschedule. Yeah nice. Luckily with literally moments to spare they got it back together. So I was a little stress yesterday and I got a little hot under the collar. Catastrophe averted for the day. Today I had a co worker come in and hour early which we have been beat over the head to avoid any overtime. So she sat and pouted for an hour until she could clock in and when she did she had a bit of a chip on her shoulder. Usually she is NOT a morning person and the goofy person that I am I try to cheer her up but today I didn't have the resources to be a cheerleader for her so she just had to stay in a bad mood all day because I wasn't going to hear it. I kind felt like she figured it out by the end of the day as she did talk to me a little bit just before I left so we will see what tomorrow holds. I am giddy with anticipation. Giddy like a bomb defuser second guessing to cut the red or green wire. If we have may more day like we have had I think I would take a job as a bomb disposal because if you have a bad day, the suffering would be over in an instant.

1 comment:

Rudy said...

Red?...No Green....No Red.....Where the hell did this pink wire come from? Why isnt this thing ticking and why does it smell like feet???? He he Hang in there Bro.