Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Hockey Back Again.

As you may see by the links to the right I am a hockey fan. Yes even though the players association held out for more money and it ended up biting them in the back side, I am still a hockey fan. The unfortunate outcome to the fans is that a lot of the Network stations that broadcast the games in previous years, dropped them after the season long strike of last year. Season starts tomorrow and from the television schedule I have seen has the first televised game for the Avalanche in December. That's December. Three months away. So not only did the strike run a lot of the sports fan base away with there greed, it has also run off the one thing that brings more fans and money to the sport, TV. Thank goodness that OLN has picked up a few games. With the recent rule changes made to bring more fans to the sport, I fear that this will not be enough and the NHL might take a bigger backward slide and never get more coverage by other stations. I hope that I am wrong and that things will return to several games covered a week on ESPN. Ahhh to the good ole days. GAME ON! I hope.


1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Believe it or not, I have actually been to a hockey game and I loved it. I loved that the action never stopped!